Create an API key

API Keys

Your own credentials should not be used by systems acting on your behalf. Create API keys to enable safe and controlled access by agents.

As WebSemaphore develops we are planning to add access policies that will limit the scope of API keys to certain semaphores and operations.

Creating an API key

  1. In the top right menu find the "Services" dropdown and navigate to "API Keys".
  2. Click on "Create Key"
  3. Fill out a descriptive title for the key, e.g. "Testkey"
  4. Optionally add a reference id that will help you identify the key owner from an index in another system such as your company CMDB.
  5. Click ok
  6. You will be presented with key information. Copy and paste the information into your secrets store. Note that this is the only time this information may be copied.
  7. Click and note the key now appears in the list of API keys

Note the keys are not editable. Once created, they may only be invalidated.